Independent reviews of theatre and other live performances:

Discover our theatre reviews, opinions and favourites

M La Scène is an online medium specialising in the analysis and criticism of theatre and other forms of performing arts. We are totally independent and driven by a philanthropic vocation. We provide coverage of the French theatre scene, offering honest and unbiased reviews, professional interviews with artists and directors, as well as in-depth articles on trends and developments in contemporary theatre. We pride ourselves on our editorial independence and are committed to providing our readers with an informed critical perspective on the shows we cover.

Whether you’re a seasoned theatre enthusiast or simply curious about the latest productions, M La Scène is the ideal destination for quality reviews, recommendations and in-depth analysis. We cover a wide variety of live performances, including theatre, dance, music, opera, circus and much more.

Subscribe now to receive our latest theatre reviews and keep up to date with what’s happening on the French cultural scene.

Recent theatre, dance and music reviews from M La Scène web media in english

M La Scène: cultural web media

Discover the exciting cultural scene with M La Scène – your source for theatre, dance and music reviews! Here, we offer you impartial reviews written with rigour and independence to give you an objective opinion on artistic performances linked to current cultural events.

But that’s not all! On our Mlascene YouTube channel, you’ll have access to interviews with directors, performers and musicians. They’ll share with you the keys to their creations, giving you privileged behind-the-scenes access to their works.

Join our community today by subscribing to our website to keep up to date with our latest theatre reviews and exclusive interviews. Don’t miss the reviews and interviews with directors presenting their shows at the 77th edition of the Festival d’Avignon!

We look forward to welcoming you to M La Scène to share our favourite shows, experiences and encounters with you. Don’t miss the chance to immerse yourself in the artistic and cultural excitement!

Marie-Laure Barbaud, Editor-in-Chief, M La Scène

Festival d'Avignon 2023

Immerse yourself in the must-see event of the year: the Festival d’Avignon 2023!

M La Scène brings you independent coverage of this prestigious event.
Discover our reviews and interviews on shows from the Festival In and Festival Off.

Theatre, dance, music and opera reviews

Critique Du charbon dans les veines

Au Théâtre Saint-Georges, Jean-Philippe Daguerre présente sa nouvelle création, Du charbon dans les veines. Une…

Critique Elizabeth Costello

Le personnage fictif d'Elizabeth Costello n'a cessé de traverser l'œuvre de l'écrivain John Maxwell Coetzee. Au…

Critique Neandertal

Dans sa nouvelle création, Neandertal, David Geselson interroge les origines de l'homme. A partir des travaux du…

Critique pour un oui pour un non

Au Lucernaire, la mise en scène fine et enlevée de Sylvain Maurice permet de redécouvrir la pièce de Nathalie…

Critique L’Odeur de la guerre

Dans L'Odeur de la guerre, un seule en scène percutant et drôle, aux résonances autobiographiques, Julie Duval…

Critique AfterLight

Présenté à la Maison de la musique de Nanterre, AfterLight se compose de trois pièces chorégraphiques. Daniel…

Critique Nos âmes se reconnaîtront-elles ?

Au Théâtre des Amandiers, Nos âmes se reconnaîtront-elles ?, la nouvelle création de Simon Abkarian éblouit par son…

Critique Heimweh / Mal du pays

Dans Heimweh / Mal du pays, Gabriel Sparti distille un humour grinçant pour dénoncer les travers de son pays natal,…

Critique Le Songe d’une nuit d’été

Le Songe d'une nuit d'été de Shakespeare monté au Théâtre de la Ville par Emmanuel Demarcy-Mota est une pure…

Critique Grand-peur et misère du IIIe Reich

A l'Odéon, Julie Duclos présente Grand-peur et misère du IIIe Reich de Bertolt Brecht et explore comment le…

Caroline Guiela Nguyen Interview

Caroline Guiela Nguyen livre les clés de sa création Lacrima qui nous entraine dans les coulisses de la haute…

Critique Lacrima

Caroline Guiela Nguyen place au coeur de sa dernière création, Lacrima, la confection d'une robe…
Tiago Rodrigues, Hécube pas Hécube, livre les clés du spectacle au Festival d'Avignon,  @Mlascene

What am I?

mlascene ``Multiplier le regard``

Marie-Laure BARBAUD
Editor of the Mlascène website
Theatre, Dance and Music Reviews


Don’t hesitate to draw our attention to your theatrical creations or the theatre or dance shows you represent, and to send us your press kits so that we can include your new shows in our diary. You can, at your earliest convenience, contact the M La Scène theatre blog :


In agreement with Thomas Mann:
There is no true passion but criticism


Going to the theatre is in itself an act of commitment. It’s about leaving behind the confines of your own home and becoming one of a human community, alive and vibrant, in a moment shared and experienced.


The Web media M La Scène created the LM (« elle aime / she likes ») of the performing arts to help in the choice of shows and outings. This indicator takes into account the interest of the text, the choreography and the show, as well as the quality of the actors’ performances and the richness of the stage effects. It provides a summary rating of theatre and dance reviews on five levels:

  • LM: little
  • LMM: moderately
  • LMMM: well
  • LMMMM: a lot
  • LMMMMM : really

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